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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: caper tree (0.00759 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to caper tree.
English → English (WordNet)
Definition: caper tree caper tree n 1: shrub or small tree of southern Florida to Central and South America [syn: bay-leaved caper, Capparis flexuosa] 2: shrub of southern Florida to West Indies [syn: Jamaica caper tree , Capparis cynophallophora]
English → English (gcide) Definition: caper tree Caper \Ca"per\, n. [F. c[^a]pre, fr. L. capparis, Gr. ?; cf. Ar. & Per. al-kabar.] 1. The pungent grayish green flower bud of the European and Oriental caper (Capparis spinosa), much used for pickles. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) A plant of the genus Capparis; -- called also caper bush, caper tree. [1913 Webster] Note: The Capparis spinosa is a low prickly shrub of the Mediterranean coasts, with trailing branches and brilliant flowers; -- cultivated in the south of Europe for its buds. The Capparis sodada is an almost leafless spiny shrub of central Africa (Soudan), Arabia, and southern India, with edible berries. [1913 Webster] Bean caper. See Bran caper, in the Vocabulary. Caper sauce, a kind of sauce or catchup made of capers. [1913 Webster]
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